Mimi Sewalski, Managing Director of Avocadostore, on why it's paying off for retailers to invest in green products.
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Über diesen Podcast
Insider-Wissen aus der Handelswelt, Experten-Interviews und Branchen-Know-how finden Sie beim Podcast von Conzoom Solutions, der praxisorientierten Online-Plattform der Messe Frankfurt speziell für den Handel. Ob stationär, Onlineshop oder Multichannel-Anbieter – alle haben mit den Herausforderungen im Konsumgütermarkt zu tun. Conzoom Solutions bietet aktive Impulse und Anregungen, das Geschäft gezielter zu führen und gibt Antworten auf dringende Fragen, die den Handel bewegen.
Insider knowledge from the world of retail, interviews with experts and industry knowhow are all to be found on the podcast by Conzoom Solutions, the practically oriented Messe Frankfurt platform specifically for the retail sector. From high-street retailers to online shops and multichannel suppliers – everyone has to deal with the challenges of the consumer goods market. Conzoom Solutions offers stimulating ideas and suggestions for managing business in a more targeted manner and provides answers to urgent questions affecting the retail sector.
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